Sunday, 17 April 2016


1. Find your gift.
When you start out, you must realize that you have raw talents, skills, and abilities. Sometimes you'll have to go out of your way to find them for yourself.
No one will find your gift for you. You have to search for them on your own. Once you do, make a special effort to do what you do best, whether it's dancing, drawing, or driving! Your gift will make room for you.

 When it comes to your gift, you either use it or lose it.

2. Tell your story.

No one has the same exact story as you do! It doesn't matter what profession you're in--you must still learn to tell your story. When I started to tell my story, it taught me a lot about myself. It also led me to better opportunities because it improved my communication skills. What's your story? When are you going to share it?

Most people should take the time to think about their story. Your story is important because it tells the world where you've been, who you are, and where you're about to go. Truthfully, everyone wants to know your story. Do yourself a favor and write your life story out in 5-10 pages. Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be perfect. Who knows? Maybe it might turn into a book!

If you want to build a multi-million dollar business, you need a product to sell and a story to tell. When you look at the biggest brands out there, they share a story along with their products and services. Thankfully, it doesn't cost that much to make a product that fits the needs of the people you're trying to serve. What kind of product can you make within the next few months?

4. Expand.

consult with entrepreneurs on how they can brand, promote, and market their businesses. Fortunately, I found that my expansion was totally compatible with what I was already doing.

As I began to serve my clients successfully, my business grew immeasurably. Now, I had different sources of income and new ways to serve people. Along the way, I found new ways to improve my business, even in the smallest ways. All I did was ask the greatest question in the world: "How can I deliver more value to more people in less time?" 

5. Build systems.

As your business expands, you’ll need to create systems that support you. Systems that work in your favor will keep your empire from overwhelming you. The right system allows you to protect your most valuable asset: your time. Instead of rushing into false pressures, non-emergencies, and menial tasks, your systems will help you organize and prioritize your tasks.

If it isn't measured, it isn't managed.

6. Hire.

Once your systems have gone beyond your own capabilities, it's time to hire people to help you. For some strange reason, many aspiring entrepreneurs want to call themselves the CEO of the company and assign positions to people who shouldn't even be in their business in the first place. Hiring and training people is a serious duty because of all the responsibilities it entails. 

Whether my hired help are virtual or face-to-face, I let them do what they do best as I take care of what I do best: Producing Content.

7. Mass production.

Once you get a good grip on serving your market, you're going to want to scale and leverage your business. To build a multi-million dollar empire, you'll need to produce on a massive level. However, the only way you can cater to the masses is by using your feedback to reach a bigger audience. You should be able to get this feedback from those you've already served.

When you build your competence, your confidence grows. Personally, I feel more confident after each article, and speech I produce. Eventually, the marketplace showed me how to engineer bigger and better products and services to reach more people. When you serve hundreds of people, thousands will show up. If you take care of thousands, millions will come. Try it!

To make a million dollars, serve a million people.

Success begets success. If you start where you are and absorb the opportunities around you, you'll be able to drink the joys of life. You have to take what you get in life to get what you want out of life. Building a multi-million dollar empire is about learning how to serve people on a small level, then taking it to the highest level!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Victor Duru

What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur? Perseverance.

Image result for entrepreneur

 Entrepreneurship is not the glamorous career path it’s been made out to be. It’s not about big ideas and ideals. It’s not about hopes and dreams. It’s not about guts and glory. It’s not even about invention and innovation.see more hereAnd it’s certainly not about a search for fame and fortune. More than anything, entrepreneurship is a game of attrition. It’s about having the determination, the discipline, and the cash to see it through. It’s about not giving up and being the last man or woman standing when everyone else has fallen
by the wayside.Don’t get me wrong. Having the vision to see what others don’t, the passion to motivate yourself and others, the savvy to build and grow a business, and the guts to make good decisions, are all part of the mix. But what binds those ingredients together is the tenacity to stick with it, day in, day out, year after year.Make no mistake, successful companies have no endpoint. That’s right, they don’t. The goal is to keep overcoming obstacles, growing sales, and making money, ad infinitum. If reading that sends a cold chill down your spine, you’re not alone. The prospect of having to keep all those balls up in the air and grow a business indefinitely is daunting to most.The few that find the notion intoxicating to the point where they can’t wait to get up every morning, get to work, and deal with the chaos of their chosen path in life are the true entrepreneurs of the world. Here are a few real examples to drive home the importance of perseverance in startup success:see more Nobody got Google at firstI bet you didn’t know that Larry Page and Sergey Brin pitched their idea for a standalone search-engine company all over Silicon Valley before Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim finally wrote them a check for $100,000. And in 1999, Google was ranked seventh with just 7.8 percent of the search-engine market. It took years before the startup hit critical mass, came to dominate the market, and became a popular verb all over the world. Jeff Bezos' "purposeful Darwinism"Jeff Bezos may have gotten a jump on ecommerce when he founded Amazon in 1994, but it wasn’t some grand vision that enabled the Seattle-based company to survive the nuclear fallout of the dot-com era and thrive through the Great Recession. It was the tenacity of a highly competitive, results-driven culture built on a version of survival of the fittest Bezos calls “purposeful Darwinism.” Jobs: Perseverance distinguishes successful entrepreneursIn a 1995 interview, Steve Jobs said, “I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance. It is so hard and you pour so much of your life into this thing, there are such rough moments in time that most people give up. And I don't blame them, it's really tough.” Indeed, Apple has persevered; the company was nearly bankrupt when Jobs returned as CEO in 1997. Interestingly enough, Apple has only played a role in creating one market, the personal computer. MP3 players, smartphones, and tablets had all been around for many years when the tech giant entered those markets with a superior product painstakingly designed with the highest standards in mind. The Cupertino company as always taken the long view – and taken its time to be the best at what it does. VC: One of the things I admire most is tenacityIn a recent blog post appropriately titled “Tenacity,” VC Fred Wilson said that’s one of the qualities he admires most in leaders. “Every successful company I have been involved in has gone through periods where things didn’t work, where something important took too long and the doubts start to creep in,” he said. “Employees start to lose faith, the media turns cruel, and you’ve got to hold it all together.”Wilson should know. His firm’s notable investments include Twitter, Zynga, Etsy, Tumblr, Feedburner, and Foursquare, several of which have come under harsh scrutiny as public companies.He also said it took years for SoundCloud to ink licensing deals with the music industry. And although Foursquare recently announced a down round of funding and that its founder, Dennis Crowley, would be stepping down as CEO, Wilson said the location awareness company has “survived and thrived” due to its and Crowley’s tenacity.Lastly, Wilson said, “It gets harder, not easier, as the years pile up. That is where tenacity and believing in yourself and your team and your business is required.”Indeed. Just as with life, successful businesses are marathons, not sprints, except there is no finish line. It’s just a way of life, so live it up. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Victor Duru

Monday, 4 April 2016

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Victor Duru