Sunday, 12 February 2017


One of my favorite movies of all time is "The Wolf Of Wall Street" Why?
Because it's such an awesome movie to watch if you want to get wealthy FAST. And Jordan Belfort has BALLS the size of an elephant that got its crotch stung by a GIANT wasp! And those are some pretty BIG nuts.
Plus the script is also full of golden nugget one liners such as... "I've got the guts to die. What I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?"

FACT: Most people are sheep. Small sheep walking down an even SMALLER street. They never take any risks. They never question the status quo. Never go against the grain so to speak. They are quite literally afraid to LIVE. But playing it safe is actually the most DANGEROUS course of action you can take... and here's why. *Life is short
*You only get one chance
*Playing it safe leads to poverty...

And to quote another NUGGET from Jordan... "There is no nobility in poverty," I'm guessing you would rather not be on your death bed thinking.. I should have... I could have... I wish I'd?
Then you got to take risks. BIG risks.
Risks so incredibly HUGE that people think you just escaped from the local mental institution!           If your DREAMS don't scare you... dream BIGGER. If they don't make the majority doubt you... dream BIGGER!
But how do YOU have Jordan's "He who dares wins attitude" without winding up in an overcrowded prison cell?
You give 100% EFFORT in your life and business every day. You delete all excuses. You don't allow the doubting family and friends to stop you. Come rain or shine, sickness or health... you wake up daily and get shit done!
That's what successful people do. They put on their BIG boys/girls pants and find ways to turn
$1 into $10.... $10 into $100... and $100 into multiple thousands.
So do you?
Have the guts to really live?"
Have the heart and the testicular size (You too ladies lol) to make it happen? If so, I wanna see you comment below with the words "Team BIG balls" or "Team no EXCUSES."
Don't be a sheep. Life is short. Chase your dreams. Question the status quo. GET IT DONE...

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