Please read this with patience.No religious or ethnic sentiments.
Read as a true Nigerian, and an African.We are endangered species:
Bill Gates Release of Dapchi Girls’ in Nigeria. Why?
By Ralitsa Bourchier
AfroEuroAsia Group Newsletter (restricted circulation).
Paris: Interview with Dominique Boursicot Intelicor Buro Chief for Françafrique on security issues in the West African sub-region. He served in different countries in Africa and lived for over 10 years in Nigeria. He speaks Yoruba and Hausa. Since his retirement he has been a security consultant to many multinational companies.
AfroEuroAsia: The big news is the release of the Dapchi girls, who do you think is the mastermind behind this kidnapping and why the release now?
Boursicot: The Nigerian government rightly determined that this was kidnapping orchestrated to discredit the government from its claim that Boko Haram has been rooted out as a terrorist force. The kidnapping was planned and carried out by a sophisticated mastermind with insider help from within the security apparatus and also from neighbouring states. What is interesting is that the release was timed to coincide with the time of the visit of Bill Gates, his billionaire friends and development partners to Nigeria. It was a quid pro quo arrangement.
AfroEuroAsia: According to reports, one of the girls Fatima Abdullahi phoned The Guardian UK to say her 16-year-old sister Fatima reported “It took us three days to get back to Dapchi,” said Fatima. “We were divided into three groups and flown in planes, and taken over rivers in boats.”
Boursicot: Yes, we know that they went from Nigeria to a neighbouring state across Lake Chad, where they were given safe passage and landing rights at a nearby airport because of the influence of the billionaire mastermind with the heads of government in that African country. We have always known that very sophisticated technology is being applied in the so-called Boko Haram insurgency and Fulani Herdsmen attacks. The type of technology being applied includes high-resolution satellite and drone imagery which provides real-time information to the terrorist operatives at any point in time. They insurgents can see the location of the Nigerian security forces and design paths to evade them along the entire journey. Where they need help they use bribery of individual high-ranking officials to achieve movement of troops from their path. To organize the use of planes and speed boats you need cooperation of neighbouring governments with an airport in the vicinity.
AfroEuroAsia: Aside from governments of USA, Russia, France and others are there private surveillance satellite and drone imagery systems?
Boursicot: There is a very highly efficient surveillance system called the Radiant Earth project. It acquires satellite, aerial and drone imagery in real-time and has focused in North-East and across Nigeria. It is owned by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with Warren Buffet and Pierre Omidyar the founder of eBay. It is the only non-governmental system of its kind operational in the area of the North-East. The information is essential for the Boko Haram operatives to evade the Nigerian military. Publicly, Bill Gates says it is used for Polio eradication but experts think that this is just a cover-up.
AfroEuroAsia: What are the experts telling you about the Bill Gates vaccination program in Nigeria’s Northeast.
Boursicot: The virologists we have talked to here in Paris say that the polio vaccine given in Nigeria has been banned in France and most other developed countries almost 20 years ago. The weakened form of the virus is used for the vaccine, but it can get active and has led to vaccine-related paralysis of children in Nigeria, more than the wild-type virus. In France, and most other developing and developed countries the dead virus is used in the vaccine, which can never cause paralysis. It is more expensive but it is the correct vaccine to use in Nigeria.
AfroEuroAsia: Why then does the Nigerian government not stop the use of this live-form virus vaccine?
Boursicot: I was told that, the droplet form of the vaccine into the mouth has less stringent administration and storage conditions, but is not very safe for children because of vaccine associated paralysis that we have observed in both India and Nigeria. The other issue is the so-called assistance comes at a lower cost for the government but they are unaware that the long-term costs would be much more at the risk of losing a whole generation of Nigerians. Also Bill Gates has funded research in India to add an infertility vaccine to the usual tetanus vaccine that could sterilize most Nigerians. These Nigerians would need in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures in attempts to get children, during which the network of IVF clinics in Nigeria could extract the ovarian eggs and sell it at low cost to Bill Gates biotechnology companies. I tell my Nigerian friends that we in the West see foreign aid as ‘rat poison’ you apply on fish which the rat eats and dies. We extract more from foreign aid than we give. The United States for example, get back $4 for each aid dollar given to Africa. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation use the polio vaccination as a cover-up to be involved in the North-east that allow them to undetectably deploy their terrorist operatives into the remote areas under cover. They use their crews dressed as vaccination teams to penetrate remote regions and find out things in the communities like those that sell the natural seeds and where there are military deployments not clearly identified from overhead surveillance. These locations are charted with GPS on the maps to their central command and control in Seattle Washington who can now direct the best path for attacks.
AfroEuroAsia: What do you think is the Bill Gates Strategy related to the kidnapped girls?
Boursicot: The plan is to blackmail the President Buhari government in Nigeria, because the strongest claim they have is on improved security. I am not a fan of President Buhari because I was in Nigeria during the military era, but one must say that he has shown great commitment to the security of Nigeria since he assumed office. The Dapchi girls’ abduction and the non-release of the Chibok girls discredit the government claim. Bill Gates wants to control the entire Nigerian government. He already controls the Nigerian parliamentarians especially the current leadership because of a corrupt system. Bill Gates wants the passage of laws that allow human ovarian egg trafficking to be used for embryonic stem cell research and tissue cloning. The passage of these laws on Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the Gender Equal Opportunity Bills in the Nigerian Senate was the subject of the meeting between Bill Gates and the leaders of the Senate.
AfroEuroAsia: Why is Bill Gates and the development partners so interested in Nigeria?
Boursicot: In 2005, the G7 countries (USA, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy and Canada) and the world leading billionaires headed by Bill Gates at a meeting hosted by Prime Minister Tony Blair examined ways and means to achieve the setting up the New Human Industry for tissue cloning. The cloning industry is worth over $30 trillion dollars (one-third of world economy) and the main bedrock of Western economic recovery since the West lost out to China and East Asia in the electronics industry. For the cloning industry to be successful, over 100 million ovarian eggs will be required annually to be poached from 10 million Nigerian women. These women would die from complications doctors call ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome complex. They believe that the science is too complex for the leaders and people of Nigeria to understand. Since 2006, Bill Gates got personally involved in Nigeria to setup the ways and means to achieve this goal. The main key to success as they believe is to control the agricultural sector by changing the food to genetically modified (GMO) foods by so-called biotechnology. This was the reason Bill Gates requested and got the position of Eminent Person Special Adviser on Agriculture to President Goodluck Jonathan. He appointed his protégé Dr Akinwumi Adesina as the minister for agriculture under the Goodluck administration. The one goal they had was to bring Nigeria’s agricultural sector under the full control of Monsanto owned by Bill Gates. If they control the supply of the seeds in Nigeria and across Africa, they will use it as main blackmail to compel the women to donate their ovarian eggs or starve themselves and their children. They will also use food to blackmail the African countries to agree to any conditions they bring forward. They need to strip Africa of her cultural and religious ties so that the women can freely donate their eggs and men their sperms to the stem cell industry for embryonic stem cell research. Bill Gates and his fellow billionaires have bought over 90% of the new biotechnology start-up companies working on the tissue and organ cloning technology. This means a lot of money for them. Bill Gates would become a trillionaire for the first time in human history! They setup a common fund called the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with an initial launch of $60 billion dollars. It is this fund that is tax-fee for charity to Africa that is used to support terrorism in Africa and around the world. They had to setup Islamic State (ISIS) to steal oil from the Middle East to support their cash flow, but Russia and Iran got in the way to stop them there. They know that it would not be successful without local content, so they have co-opted a few Nigerian billionaires to work with them by investing money in their ailing businesses and using them as cover to invest in key areas of the Nigerian economy they could use to undermine the government.
AfroEuroAsia: What Sense does it make for Bill Gates to sponsor Boko Haram and Fulani Herdsmen in Nigeria?
Boursicot: As you know Nigeria’s main agricultural region that produces 70% of the food crops is the Northeast. It was necessary to clear the natural crops and replace them with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) crops. This was achieved by targeting farmers and communities particularly those that conserve and store natural seeds for resell. They target schools for girls to give the impression that it makes good on the name Boko Haram (Western education is bad) since it will authenticate that it is by Islamic extremists. The Boko Haram is a mercenary force of hired killers paid in dollars and armed by the billionaires. Having driven the farmers to internally displaced people (IDP) camps, they come in as international donors from the G7 countries and so-called development partners to donate the GMO seeds and food. The farmers come back to be resettled and plant these GMO crops which do not replicate and the seeds must be obtained every planting season from the Western biotechnology companies like Monsanto, Cargill, Bayer etc. This is the reason why Bill Gates bought controlling shares in these companies. We have tracked his investments in these biotechnology businesses. On the Fulani Herdsmen, they rebranded the Boko Haram to Fulani Herdsmen to pursue and destroy natural cassava planted in other parts of Nigeria. Bill Gates, Dangote, and USAID developed a cattle fattening program in Chad which gives cattle to trained herders and backed by armed mercenaries. They herders clash with farmers and their armed mercenaries come to kill and destroy the farming communities. This puts the President of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari in a dilemma, since he cannot easily order military response to ‘kill his people’, but the real Fulani herders are actually innocent of these crimes. However, the ignorance of the government, corruption in the system and non-patriotic individuals have sabotaged every effort of the Nigerian government to respond to this crisis.
AfroEuroAsia: What do you advice the government to do?
Boursicot: To combat Boko Haram and the Fulani Herdsmen is not just a military affair. The first thing to do is to understand and expose Bill Gates and the development partners implicated in this project. It is important that the Nigerian people head this fight by public enlightenment, so they can take back their parliament, which the present leadership is corrupt and wholly controlled by Bill Gates. They need to abolish the laws that allow GMO crops, ovarian egg trafficking and present foreign overtake of Nigerian health institutions. Bill Gates controls the government regulating agencies for biotechnology and seed council. These agencies must be overhauled. They also need to take control of the ministry of health and sanitize the apparatus in the ministry of agriculture by replacing key directors from the past administration. They must limit the World Bank’s and African Development Bank’s influence on projects and economic plans in Nigeria since both institutions are ran by Bill Gates appointees with the policy direction to undermine Nigerian economy. Most of the media in Nigeria has been bought over by the Bill Gates network, to prevent education of Nigerians on these matters both in the print and electronic media, rather they spread false propaganda about the benefits of GMO crops while silencing the immense health dangers that result from using these crops, we have rejected here in Europe. They must expose their own citizens including their billionaires partaking in the Bill Gates project, who use ‘philanthropy’ to cover the grave damage they are doing to their own motherland. They must ban the free operation of the so-called ‘development partners and some UN agencies’ who are using their aid program to assist Bill Gates to achieve these goals. This is the grand conspiracy against Africa spoken about by so many well meaning people. In the European parliament some MPs who spoke openly about this have been ostracised. If they Billionaires succeed, millions of Nigerians would die and the nation would be utterly destroyed. The African Union must cautiously relate with the EU. The free trade zone in Africa was created as a cover to allow companies like Monsanto to flood the market in Nigeria with cheap GMO crops that would finally overcome the Nigerian agroindustry and destroy the prospects of any national food security. Nigeria must resist it. They have carried out plans of coup d’etat in Nigeria to change the present government even by force to implement their policies. The Billionaires back the Boko Haram both politically and materially. I was born in Abidjan when my parents were on diplomatic mission, even though I am French, all of my life is in Africa and I feel 90% African. We as a people with conscience will do all it takes to help Africans with information.
AfroEuroAsia: What is confusing to many people is the persistent Islamic terrorist attacks here in France and other European countries?
Boursicot: Do you ever wonder why it is that the terrorist always has the ID with them and readily to be called by name as one ‘Salim Ahmed’ or another after an attack. The terrorist is always known to the police and assessed as of ‘low risk’. This is because the terrorists are sort after, psychologically radicalized and trained by the professional network set up by the billionaires in collaboration with some within the intelligence services in Europe and America. The propaganda message is that the West is a victim of these Islamic terrorist attacks and not perpetrators. Its casualties are well selected to make big headlines but the number of victims in a year are not up to one car bomb in Iraq. It is designed to shock the consciousness of people of the Western countries to hate all that is Islamic and covered by the international news networks owned by the billionaires continuously. It is a blackmail of the Islamic religion so as to divert attention of the Western people from the real criminals who are the billionaire sponsors and some people in the Western governments.
AfroEuroAsia: Lets go back to Nigeria. The American Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was on an originally unscheduled visit to Nigeria and while boarding the flight to return to the USA, he was fired by President Trump. Could this be connected to the issues we are discussing?
Boursicot: I think so. Bill Gates during the Obama administrations created a USAID that was an extension of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. USAID is the United States Agency for International Development under the US State department and has been at the forefront of undermining the African governments. President Trump wants to regain USAID as a truly American government agency and not a Bill Gates affiliate. On the other hand there were issues related to deployment of American warships to Nigeria that could be connected to a planned coup d’etat without the consent of President Trump. The secretary had to go because he was perceived as not working in-line with what Trump wants to achieve in his Africa policy. Africa is the key battle ground between Bill Gates with his EU associates, Trump and his conservative alliance and China economic expansion plan.
AfroEuroAsia: Finally, what does the future hold for Nigeria and Africa in regard to this?
Boursicot: I am sure we will finally expose Bill Gates and some of our Western leaders on this inhumane project. We met in Istanbul as a group of international jurists and will continue to pursue the matter and bring international indictments against these leaders in the near future. However, Africa needs to stand up for her interests in a patriotic manner. Their main obstacle is corruption and naivety which does not allow the government to see the dangers they face as a people.
AfroEuroAsia: Thank you.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Victor Duru
I thought as much
ReplyDeleteHow about this? I just saw it on Niaraland?